Podcast: The Telling of Story

EP #0008 Rowdy McLean

Australia’s 2,019 keynote speaker of the year, Rowdy McLean has delivered over 1000 keynote presentations to over 700,000 people in 17 countries.

A master storyteller, a genuine bloke and someone that people from all walks of life can relate to.

Rowdy played professional sport, build a successful startup, turned around a failing company founded five companies and mentors and works with leaders from the world’s top organizations.

Rowdy has also climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, kayaked in Antarctica tracked gorillas in Rwanda run marathons and hiked the caco to track the combination of business and personal challenges.

Makes his presentations interesting and unique. A best selling author and founder of the Leadership institute Australia.

Rowdy is the go to speaker on how to shift mindsets, raise the bar, embrace, change and crack the code for extraordinary future success.

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EP #0007 Teresa Pollard

Teresa Pollard is a purpose lead leader with an entrepreneurial focus and 20 years in sales, marketing and technology, leading executive engagements and diverse teams in New Zealand, Singapore and New York.

Teresa is from Auckland, is of Maori descent and as a proud role model for young people across the country to follow a pathway that is both fulfilling and prosperous and encourages them to join the world of business and technology.

Teresa leads the Strategic Partnerships Portfolio for Datacom, bringing together a community EWe and ecosystem partnerships that deliver impact and alignment to datacoms, Purpose and values.

Datacom is New Zealand’s largest technology services company, with over 6500 staff across New Zealand, Australia and Asia.

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EP #0006 Jay Fantom

Jay Fantom is a persistent and passionate 25 year old entrepreneur, award winning filmmaker, speaker and writer who works incredibly hard at being the best authentic, honest, loving kind and excellent version of himself daily.

Jay is the founder and host of the story Box. A top four podcast in 2021 j and the story box have been featured in Forbes magazine, Business Insider, Yahoo, New York Weekly, The Los Angeles Wire, NBC, Fox, CBS and Market watched among many others.

Since the beginning of the story box in November of 2019, Jay has had the privilege of Unboxing stories of over 600 plus high profile world class leaders from every field.

These include Tony Robbins, Matthew McConaughey, Grant Cardone, Robert Kiyosaki, Sugar Ray Leonard and many, many, many more.

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EP #0005 Zahrina Robertson

Zahrina Robertson is a multi-award winning businesswoman who works with speakers, leaders and entrepreneurs with ideas, visual assets styling and develops very unique brand strategies with her marketing background.

Zahrina’s impressive client list include Richard Branson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tim Ferriss and Simon Sinek, just to name a few.

Zahrina is also an event photographer, Emirates Tourism, Australia, business Chicks and many international clients, and has also worked with the Professional Speakers Association of Australia for over 10 years.

Zahrina has invited her clients to escape into her world of creativity and explore the possibilities of their online presence.

With fun. She is the cheerleader for her clients, whose biggest challenge is recognising their own potential.

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EP #0004 Steve Baty

Since 2009, Steve Baty has been the co-founder and director at Melds Studios, as well as the co-founder and conference director at UX Australia is also the founder of UX Book Club, both globally and the Sydney chapter.

Steve has presented at many conferences and events globally and locally, including being the keynote speaker Midwest UX 2016, Interaction South America 2017, as well as speaking in many cities around the world, including in Istanbul, Amsterdam, Helsinki, San Francisco, just to name a few.

Steve is a good design ambassador.

He’s also an awards judge, a member of the Australian Democrats and, importantly, a father of four and husband.

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EP #0003 Jeremy Pollard

Jeremy Pollard started selling at the we age of 16.

He wanted a new camera. So he got a weekend job at a local camera store, learned about best cameras, made some great friends and got some staff discount as well.

And then he was head hunted into revenue responsibility roles across a range of industries industrial equipment, technology, including being employee number 5 at Microsoft Australia when it was just a challenger brand.

Jeremy spent a decade at IBM learning large account complex sales, which taught him the importance of having an in depth knowledge, but that the secret to customer focus imparted to him by the older, wiser salespeople meant listening more than selling.

Today, Jeremy helps organisations large and small around Asia Pacific win more work with the Shipley Associates Global Consulting Practice based on customer focus.

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EP #0002 Andy Rycroft

Andy Rycroft for many years has been a designer and creative director working in the UK, Italy in Australia, fine tuning his craft towards the business value of creative services, managing designers and outcomes and then in 2000, marking management for corporate after more than 20 years of bringing design value to business.

And he is now flipped his attention to bring business thinking too. Creative artists choosing to design coaching programmes for artists and creatives who want to create income and value from their talent and experience.

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EP #0001 Bill Caskey

Bill Caskey is a sales development Leader, an experimenter who has been improving B2b Sales teams and executives since 1990.

His philosophies and strategies have fueled explosive growth in sales and profits for his clients and is passionate about sharing his ideas about selling business life money and meaning, but his work expands beyond b2b and individual training and coaching.

He is the author of same game new rules, rewire the sales mind and the sales playbook, to name a few. He also co-hosts two podcasts, the advanced selling podcast, a weekly podcast counseling salesforce’s and leaders who seek to improve their business and the Bill Caskey podcast, a deeper dive into achievement.

He believes the most important approach to any endeavor is improving one’s mindset. So naturally he enjoys business books, human development, psychology, topics as well as health and fitness books.

Bill goes on to say that we owe it to ourselves to make it a lifelong habit of learning how to master our lives.

Whether we’re leaders of teams or members of those sales teams our audience relies upon us to bring our a-game to the field every day.

It’s incumbent upon us to spend a few hours a week in personal growth so we can be at our best when the time demands. Bill’s success and passions are routed by his family and community service.

He spends time with his wife, Jane and their two daughters, Kelly and Kara who work in Indianapolis and Denver.

You can find Bill at https://billcaskey.com that’s C A S K E Y or on LinkedIn.

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EP #0000 The Telling of Story Trailer

Once upon a time… an opening to a sentence that immediately conjures up the beginning of any number fairy tales. A line I’ve used on my children when they were young a million times.

An easy place to start even if you are making up a story on the fly.

Bedtime Storytellers know that a fairy tale has to have an intro, a turning point, a difficult stage and the happily ever after of course.

But how does that translate into business storytelling for the 21st century?

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