The Story So Far




It was a clear summers evening. The kind where the warm air after sunset was ….

NAH, it’s not that kind of story…

As I get older like many before me, I get sentimental about the journey thus far. The trials and tribulations of running multiple businesses since the late 80’s. Like many budding entrepreneurs I craved information which wasn’t anywhere near as readily available as it is today, and neither were mentors. I had to nut it out, give it a go, trial and error was the mantra. Some things worked, many didn’t. It took me years to learn, to build up the knowledge, to be confidant in my approach. I’m still learning.

Fast forward to 2010, I had just sold a business I’d been building for 10 years and for the first time in many years I had space. Space to reflect, time to ponder. I started to write down my thoughts and felt the urge to share, so up on a blog they went. We were in the digital age.

I soon discovered what I had suspected was true, other people also craved information, help, guidance. There were so many people out there that shared the same desire, to grow their business. I had found my tribe, there were many members, I just need to get it out there.

I continued to tell my story without expectation. My story was raw, truthful, honest, troubling. It clearly hit home.

Before long people were reaching out for me to come help them grow. Wait what!! Without realising it at the time, my stories led me to more sales. People were seeking my paid help and I wasn’t selling anything.

No matter what business you are in, there are many out there who share your passion, your desires and your needs. Share your story and they will be drawn in, they will reach out.

That’s the power of Storytelling.

And the side effect – Your Story Sells.

Now with this Podcast I get to explore and share other people stories.  Their trial and tribulations. The good, the bad and the ugly and I can’t wait to share them with you.

Your Host
Storyteller Jewels
The Telling of Story

Google #storytellerjewels


a curious storyteller with a passion for improvement